This post originally appeared at
As a Productivity Ninja, I am often asked what I recommend as the single biggest change we can make in our lives to boost Productivity.
The answer is simple: Blow up your TV.

Not literally, but certainly disconnect from the TV aerial, and stop watching live broadcast feed.
In 2011, the average UK viewer watched 4 hours 2 minutes of TV a day (source: Guardian Media). So, assuming we are actually awake for sixteen hours a day, that represents 25% of our waking day. Not doing anything, not proactive, not engaged; just watching stuff.
At Think Productive UK, we talk about “Impact Thinking” – focusing on those things that have most impact for us, our families and our employers, and forgetting about the rest. Watching TV is, almost by definition, not even low impact; it’s no impact. If you dedicate 25% of your waking life to no impact activity, expect to have a no impact life.
So, Blow up your TV.