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Extreme Productivity Experiment: Fuel

Graham Allcott, our founder and best-selling author of ‘How to be a Productivity Ninja’, spent 2013 delving into 12 different extreme productivity experiments. Those of you who follow our blog will know that we’ve been looking back at the experiments and asking Graham how they’ve made a difference to his own productivity two years on.

Last week, we looked at playing around with time constraints and attention management in June’s experiment, ‘Flipping The 9-5’. Now we’re looking at July’s experiment, focusing more on the idea of the brain and body being a tool, and how physical condition influences productivity. To narrow down this subject, Graham decided to look into Nutrition and how the food we eat affects our productivity.

Graham also spent part of the month fasting – an idea inspired by his friend Mohammed at ‘Productive Muslim’, which gave him a way of reflecting on productivity being affected by religious cultures and how he could stay productive whilst fasting.

We hope you feel inspired by Grahams recap of his extreme productivity experiment! Check back next week to hear all about August’s Experiment: The Abyss!

Read more on how to eat healthily (like a ninja).

Is your working day increasing your stress levels? Want to achieve more during your day in the office? Look into our Stress Less, Achieve More workshops.

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