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Why Inbox Zero Is The Best Way To Be

Our ‘Getting Your Inbox To Zero’ In-House Workshops have been a big hit in offices across the world. By keeping our promise of having the whole team’s inbox to zero by the end of our email training, our Productivity Ninja’s have seen the relief on people’s faces when they realise that an empty inbox really is a thing.

The concept of ‘Inbox Zero’, introduced by Merlin Mann in an hour-long Google Tech Talk as an effective strategy for dealing with high volume email, has always been met with cynicism. Mann originally said that the best way to handle this inbox influx is to put “some kind of system in place that’s going to be simple and repeatable, and is going to allow you to have an actual life outside of email”. However, critics have said it was ‘easier said than done’.

They’re right, it is easier said than done, but once you’re in the habit and have had a few ‘ZERO EMAIL’ victories, you’ll inevitable say otherwise.

At Think Productive, we practice our own way of getting your inboxes down to zero – through @action, @read, @waiting and reference folders – and many more little tricks to make you feel on top of your work and not swallowed by your inbox. If you want to find out more, this post is a good place to start.


But don’t just take our word for it.

Kevin Henrikson, entrepreneur and co-founder of Acompli employs an Inbox Zero policy in his day-to-day email excursions. Our workshop attendee’s have also spoken about how significant the switch to an Inbox Zero lifestyle can be…


We asked our social media followers, too: Why is Inbox Zero the best way to be? This was our favourite answer…

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Want to feel like Melissa? This Monday is The Inbox Zero One-Day Challenge!

Productivity Ninja Grace will be running a virtual training webinar (tickets available here) at 9:30am, before kicking off the challenge to claim your Inbox Zero badge. Winners to be announced at 4pm.

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