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12 Days of Productivity

It’s December which means we can officially talk about the upcoming festive time. As Productivity Ninjas we understand how stressful this time can get. It’s hardly ever as relaxing as they show us in movies, but a weapon-savvy Productivity Ninja can plan ahead and ensure a smooth end of the year. 

It doesn’t just get busy planning for family festivities, but with the new year being just around the corner, offices will feel the end of year stress too. In order to prepare you for the fast-paced time ahead, we have put together a mix of productivity challenges and give-aways for the next 12 days. Keep an eye on this blog post, our upcoming newsletter as well as our Twitter and LinkedIn, to be in for lots of productivity boosting activities and exclusive prizes.


Productivity Ninja Christmas


12 Days of Productivity: 

December 1st: Get your team an Advent Calendar and take turns opening it. 
Don’t forget to share your pictures with us @thinkproductive 

December 2nd: Let us know “What you’re most looking forward to in 2017” and be in for a chance to win a Momentum Planner for next year.
Just leave us a comment below or get in touch @thinkproductive

December 3rd: It’s Make a Gift Day, so get your creative juices flowing and make a gift for someone special.

December 4th: Got your Christmas tree up yet? Share a picture of this year’s or last year’s tree with us @thinkproductive

December 5th: Let us know “What productivity challenge you’re currently working on” and be in for a chance to win our best-seller book How to be a Productivity Ninja.

December 6th: Pick one of our 8 ways to be more productive at work and implement it today. Which one will it be?

December 7th: Reward yours(elf) with a Christmasy treat today.

December 8th: Let us know “How many emails you’ve got in your inbox” and be in for a chance to win a half-price ticket to one of our Inbox to  Zero Virtual Challenge

December 9th: Stop pushing it to tomorrow. It’s National Christmas Card Day today, so get those Christmas cards written and prepared for the big day.

December 10th: Don’t sleep in this weekend, but get up an hour earlier and do “what you usually don’t have time for”.

December 11th: It’s Christmas Jumper Day on Tuesday – don’t forget to pick out your favourite one and wear it to work.

December 12th: We’re finishing off our 12 Days of Productivity with an exciting give-away. Win a 1-year premium subscription for Todoist. All you have to do is let us know what your big rock for today is. Good luck!


By Hannah Urbanek 




I’m looking forward to this time next year, hopefully I’ll be reflecting on a really good year and i’ll have smashed all my goals 🙂

Next year I will still have the same job but things are shifting in my department so I am going to take my chance to get rid of things I don’t like anymore (done doing it too long) and start new exciting projects. A fresh start!

What an exciting time, Mieke. A great opportunity to implement new ways of working and to give yourself and your team a nice productivity boost.

I am most looking forward to getting a new team member in 2017 and being able to train them up.

I am currently trying to nail down getting a weekly review timetabled in – quite difficult when I work part time and my working days sometimes change!

How exciting, Rachel.
And well done for sitting down and setting up a review schedule – it might be difficult at first but it’ll be so helpful in the long-term. Keep up the great work!

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