4 reasons you’re not a ninja in the morning

1) You don’t want it to be morning yet: We’ve talked a lot about sleep on the blog and we’ll keep talking about it; if you want to be a productivity ninja it helps to be wide awake. We’ve written in the past about healthy sleep habits but if you’re still struggling to get good quality shut eye, try the app Sleep Cycle. It’s really good for helping you to measure the quality and quantity of your sleep and collates loads of funky graphs on your sleeping patterns, perfect for a productivity junkie.

2) You haven’t had the right fuel: For the past month Graham has been reinventing his food habits and has found that getting the Ninjaright nourishment has lead to a big boost in his workflow. His brain fuelshake has been a particular winner in the productivity stakes and a brilliant example of how something nourishing and energy boosting can be quick and easy to make. A ninja tip is to imagine you’re sending a small child off to school – little backpack, rosy cheeks, ready to learn about fractions or The Roman Empire for the very first time. What will you give him or her – a Snickers? A Diet Coke? Oh of course half a doughnut and a swig of instant coffee! Your productivity is like an eager school child, look after it.

3) You’re not starting your day the right way: If you’re sleeping well and eating right and you’re still not getting that productivity ninja feeling maybe you’re trying too hard. Productivity it not about fitting yourself into a particular mold of working, it’s about working the best way for you. If the morning is not a high energy time try to schedule in activities that require inactive attention, you’ll still feel like you’re getting things done but you won’t be fighting against yourself to do it.

4) You don’t have a plan: You’re can’t hit the ground running if you don’t know what direction you should be going. If you have a weekly checklist you won’t have to spend the morning wandering in the ‘what to do wilderness’. It does not feel productive to spend your morning working out what you should be doing rather than doing it;  if you want more advice on how to always have an action plan in place come to one of our public workshops, your mornings will never be the same.

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