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Tips for Keeping Cool in the Office

We’ve had a surprise spell of warm days here in the UK, so it’s safe to say that summer has well and truly arrived – even if a little late! If you live somewhere with generally warmer (or even just more predictable) weather, you’re probably decently prepared to deal with the heat. Here, we like to complain endlessly about the mild climate, and then gasp in shock when our annual 2.5 days of “actually hot” summer roll around. 

Spoiler alert: it happens every year. We just don’t get any more prepared.

If taking a siesta isn’t an option, and your workplace isn’t graced with air-conditioning, we have a few tips to share with you to help you keep cool in the office this summer, and to not let the heat stifle your productivity.

1. Get strategic with windows/fans

If there’s a breeze outside, go ahead and crack open a nearby window. Be wary that sometimes opening a window can be counterproductive, though – you don’t want to let in hot, still air from the outside! If in doubt, dot a few fans around the office, and keep the cool air in circulation.

How to keep cool in the office

2. Dress for the weather

If your office opts for a dress code on the smart-casual side, this one shouldn’t be too difficult. However, even if you’re required to enter the office suited and booted, there are still ways that you can prepare for the heat. You don’t need to show skin to keep cool in the warmth –  look for breathable materials, and loose fitting clothes.

3. Stay hydrated

This one shouldn’t come as a surprise. Making sure that you’re drinking enough water is always important, but especially in summer! Keep a bottle on your desk, and if you have access to a fridge, use it to keep tap water chilled.


4. Set earlier alarms for a more relaxed commute

There’s nothing worse than turning up at the office all sweaty and flustered from the morning commute. Of course, if you get to work using the London Underground, then there’s only so much you can do, but giving yourself an extra twenty or thirty minutes could allow you to drop the pace for some of your journey, and maybe even enjoy a gentle walk.

5. Get out of the office!

The weather’s nice – take advantage of it! You can take your lunch outside, or even your meetings. Of course, not all offices are just up the road from the sea like the Think Productive Headquarters, so look for local parks, or even cafés with outdoor seating areas. Don’t forget the sunscreen if you plan on spending time in the heat!

Ice cream to stay cool

Then again, there’s always good old-fashioned ice-cream.

Are you getting any lovely weather this summer? Got any tips for staying cool in the heat? Talk to us on Twitter, @thinkproductive

By Steph Rathbone


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