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Great feedback from our Bristol "How to Get Things Done" public workshop

Thank you everyone who attended the workshop in Bristol last Friday and helped make it a great success!
For people who missed out on all the fun, you are in luck – our next South West workshop is in Bath on the 22nd November.

For more info or to book your place (currently HALF PRICE) click HERE

How would you describe the benefits of the workshop to your friends?

• “A practical framework to maximise time.”
• “A practical, flexible approach full of good ideas but with its feet firmly on the ground.”
• “Absolutely worth doing if you feel snowed under.”
• “De-stress capability and personal satisfaction about being in control.”
• “Empowering you to take time to think.”
• “Excellent tools for structuring life to achieve more!”
• “Focus, take stress out.”
• “Gets you to stand back and think, and consciously evaluate the way you work and value your time.”
• “Helps you to organize your tasks more effectively, not in terms of time but in terms of context.”
• “Learning a structure that enhances productivity.”
• “One of the best productivity workshops I have attended – and I have attended a few!”
• “Practical, energising, potentially life-enhancing!”

Was there anything you particularly liked?

• “Calm engaging delivery, easy to follow – no jargon works for me!”
• “Came up with some useful tips and the conscious thinking about what I now do every day – not just bad habits of doing ‘stuff’.”
• “Clear explanation of topics covered.”
• “Clear structure, clear exposition, good balance of theory and practice.”
• “Definitely feel I can do this with confidence now.”
• “Delivery had a well-suited voice, pitched right.”
• “Expectation was that (it would be) more formulaic and theory – was more actionable and clear than expected!”
• “Felt very actionable. Also seeing how Lee uses it. Real.”
• “Flow – went very quickly.”
• “I liked the energy / enthusiasm / positive vibe in the room.”
• “Lee is an excellent facilitator – knowledgeable, enthusiastic and humane.”
• “Pace and structure very good – clear and understandable.”
• “Practical, knowledgeable, digestible.”

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