How many of us really switch off during our holiday time anymore? Even when we’re abroad and trying to relax, the temptation to check our emails and keep on top of everything thats going on before we get back can sometimes just be too much. After the last seven months of productivity experiments, I felt like I needed a break. A rest. A recharge. I need to stop feeling slightly frayed around the edges and feel sharp and energised again.
But how could I do this? I love my work and it energises me (for the most part!). So I decided it was time for a month of ‘Extreme rest’ – a month off of the internet in its entirety, a month of no work, a month of no smart phone, a month of no laptop. No demands, no expectations, nothing to check, nothing to do. Bliss for many, scary as hell to many others.
This is the Abyss.
We hope you feel inspired by Grahams recap of his extreme productivity experiment! Check back next Thursday to hear all about September’s Experiment: The Lemon!
Are you feeling out by constantly having to be switched on and finding no time to find your work-life balance? Want to achieve more during your day in the office? Look into our Stress Less, Achieve More workshop.