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Action for Happiness & The Productivity Ninja

If you’ve been following our Social Media Channels carefully and receive our Monthly Productivity Tips, it won’t be a surprise to you that the Productivity Ninja is teaming up with Action for Happiness this month. We’re putting on a public event in London in January and all of you lovely readers are, of course, invited to join us. But let’s find out more first….

Action for Happiness 

Action for Happiness is a movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society. They are aiming to create a society in which people care less about what they can just get for themselves, and more about the happiness of others. To hear more about what Action for Happiness does and how you might be able to get involved, have a look at their introductory video.

As you know, happiness is a core element of being more productive and getting more done while being less stressed. This is one of the key messages we like to send out in our Time Management Workshops. Clearly, Action for Happiness and Think Productive have a lot in common and also a lot to learn from each other and so we’re very fortunate to team up with them and deliver a very exciting event for you.

The Event 

We all struggle at times, especially balancing the pressures of work, family, social commitments, hobbies and other responsibilities. Our Productivity Ninja, Matthew Brown, will share some practical and potentially life-changing ways to feel calmer, get more done and rediscover the joy in everyday life at our Worry Less, Achieve More, Love What You Do event on January 19th 2017, at the Conway Hall in central London.

Action for Happiness Event


Doors will open at 18:30 and the event will start at 19:00. We want the event to be accessible to as many people as possible, so rather than charging a fixed fee, Action for Happiness is asking you to make a donation instead. The suggested donation is £20, but you can give what you feel is appropriate.

Here’s a quick message from our Productivity Ninja, Matthew Brown:


What next? 

Tickets are selling first, so grab them here, spread the word and come enjoy an evening filled with happiness, productivity and lots of inspiration which you’re hopefully going to take home with you.


If you want to book a Time Management Workshop with Matthew, or any of our other brilliant Productivity Ninjas, please feel free to get in touch with our team

By Hannah Urbanek 

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