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4 ways to sleep like a productivity ninja

1) Take a nap – Napping gets a bad reputation. People see it as the domain of toddlers and the lazy but a well placed nap can actually act as productivity booster, not sapper. A ninja knows it’s the quality of the time you have and not the quantity, so if a short sleep will give you an hour of energy filled focus that might be the right thing to do. Here’s some information about the secrets of a productive nap

2) Have what you need – No two ninjas are the same, whilst some people may feel ready to face the world after five hours of shut eye, others need a bit more time in the land of nod. Work out what you need with this simple test and then make sure you get it.Ninja

3. Don’t take your worries to bed – Some people like to mull things over in the evening. But dwelling on worries before bedtime can generate a “repetitive loop” of thinking that blocks sleep. Our productivity workshops help you create a second brain to store those niggling actions, nothing to mull over and more restful sleep.

4) Move it – The demands of our busy working lives often make us relegate daily exercise to the bottom of the to do list but a daily dose of cardio can aid restful sleep and you’ll feel so smug and happy you’ll even have good dreams.

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